Ristesund vs Johnson & Johnson

Ristesund vs Johnson & Johnson

In May 2016, a jury in City of St. Louis Circuit Court found Johnson & Johnson liable for injuries resulting from the use of its talc-containing products awarded Plaintiff Gloria Ristesund $55 million after agreeing the products contributed to the development of her ovarian cancer. The verdict includes $5 million in actual damages and $50 million in punitive damages.

Ms. Ristesund, 62, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2011, after using Johnson’s Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for feminine hygiene for more than 40 years.

This was the second Plaintiffs’ verdict in the talcum powder litigation against Johnson & Johnson. In February, another City of St. Louis Circuit Court jury awarded the family of Plaintiff Jacqueline Fox $72 million after agreeing the products contributed to the development of her ovarian cancer. That verdict included $10 million in actual damages and $62 million in punitive damages.

“There really was no reason for them to leave this product on the market.” — Ted Meadows, attorney for the plaintiffs

Legal Documents (PDFs)