Ovarian Cancer Facts
leading cause
of death
U.S. women diagnosed
with ovarian cancer
every year
Is My Ovarian Cancer Caused by Talc?
Since talc fibers take many years to fully dissipate in the body,
experts look at tissue samples and pathology reports to see if
talc fibers are in a woman’s reproductive organs.
Link Between Talc and Ovarian Cancer
- Since 1982, more than 25 published studies have found and examined the link between talcum powder use and ovarian cancer.
- Scientific research shows that women who regularly use talcum powder products like baby powder in their genital area are three times more likely to develop ovarian cancer than women who do not use the product.
- Even research funded by Johnson & Johnson concluded that talcum powder use for feminine hygiene increases a woman’s chance of developing cancer.
“Given the poor prognosis for ovarian cancer, any potentially harmful exposures should be avoided, particularly with limited benefits. For this reason, we discourage the use of talc in genital hygiene, particularly as a daily habit.”– Dr. Bernard Harlow Leading ovarian cancer researcher from Harvard Medical School